Sunday, November 2, 2008


a few thoughts about voting-

i think voting is hard. as much as it thrills me to lick two envelopes and sign my name as i submit my ballot (it really does actually thrill me), voting is difficult. it is rare that i agree with everything a candidate stands for on every issue or that i am even able to see what a candidate really thinks behind all the talk.

although voting is hard, i think it is important to consider a few issues. while it could be argued that every issue is important, i think one thing that is dear to the heart of God is caring for orphans and widows. this shows up in a few specific issues, which definitely has a huge impact on how i consider placing my vote. but sometimes one candidate wants to provide relief or end the war while another candidate opposes abortion. i wish there was a way to vote without choosing which orphan i want to save more.

lastly, regardless of tuesday's outcome, i think it is important to commit to pray for our nation's leaders. whether the candidate i voted for wins or loses shouldn't matter in how i support the leaders of our country with my prayers. while i may not feel like praying, come tuesday night, i want to be obedient in this.

1 comment:

BDT said...

I think a million voices just echoed "Amen" to your thoughts.