Tuesday, March 3, 2009

choice C

thanks guys.
my logic for living in salem is convincing.
of course i should live in the city where i work.
it makes sense to save on gas, sleep more as i learn how to be a grown-up & work at a real hospital for the first time.

and then i look at my list with "elizabeth/j are here" on the pro side for newberg, and "elizabeth/j are not here" written for the con side for salem. (written by them, of course)
i have emphatic votes for newberg from ben. from molly. from brittany. from lacey. from becca.
i have my apartment filled with people i love and i wonder what i am going to do without them.
if only they were jerks, this decision would be easy. =)

instead, i feel a little weepy this afternoon and want to crawl under the covers until choice C is available.

a) live in newberg
b) live in salem
c) everyone i love lives on my street

i choose C.

1 comment:

John said...

I seem to remember choice C. You have wanted that since you were about three.