Friday, May 25, 2007

more than enough

"perhaps today your burden is greater than your capacity. tell the Lord, for he will either lighten the load or, by his power, increase your capacity to bear the burden." -nona kelley

i read this quote this morning right after i woke up. the night before i had discovered that i was scheduled to work more than i could ever want for the month of june. my job was turning out to be more challenging than i anticipated. and i was feeling overwhelmed by all the days i was scheduled to work. i wanted to cry...oh wait, i did. i was worried that God would increase my capacity, when all i wanted was for my burden load to be lightened. =) after talking to my ever-wise parents, i felt better. i realized that i needed to work less or quit, which, even though it was the last thing my heart wanted to do, my body was more than ready to do! i hate quitting, but when i surrendered that possibility to the lord, i felt so much peace. i had friends praying for me. i had my family's support and prayers. before my shift today, i went in to talk with my boss, presenting the idea of working part-time, which she agreed to without questions! even though i'll be working on my birthday, i feel like my load is being lightened. i will still need his power over the next two weeks before my part-time schedule begins to fully take effect and even after it takes effect, but he has been my strength ever since i started there and i know he isn't going to leave my side.

thank you for being more than enough. you know me better than i know myself and provide for all my needs. thank you for your care for me as i care for others. you are so good to me. thank you for your peace. you are more than enough.

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