Sunday, June 22, 2008

studying in the summer?

on wednesday, i take the nursing test. i've been studied pretty hard the past few weeks and am ready for a summer without textbooks and practice tests. i really want to pass (obviously) and am praying for that. but i'm also trying to do my part to make that happen. but it hasn't been all bad...

today involved an afternoon with
a brightly colored beach towel
the sunshine warming me
gentle study music
tiny daisies greeting me with cheerful faces
a busy ant scurrying across my leg, tickling me as he went past
a soft summer breeze forcing me to tuck my hair behind my ear
the sway of the porch swing with my notebook and review books on my lap

and after wednesday, i can enjoy guilt-free non-study time! i can hardly wait (and i think my family is quite ready for me to not be studying too...) sometimes paul gives me longing looks when i'm studying as he wonders when i will truly be able to play with him. he will also run by and whisper things like "i love you," thinking that this doesn't count as distracting me. super cute. =)

1 comment:

Mandipants said...

your family is so cute! sometimes I get jealous =)
