Monday, February 16, 2009

♥ day

valentine's day has never been one of my favorite holidays. i like the idea of having an increased effort to let people know that you love them, but i don't necessarily think it needs to be on february 14th and needs to be accompanied by candy, balloons, flowers and the colors of red & pink. however, despite my slight reservations about the holiday, i did enjoy this particular valentine's day, as i spent the evening with some dear friends.
the cookie making party at becca's turned into three hours of silliness as we took pictures, threw candy hearts into each other's mouths and laughed heaps. this may have been one of my best valentine's days yet. (i also got a delightful acronym and godiva from my family, which was also lovely. while i think demonstrating love shouldn't be a yearly occurance, i did enjoy my treats!)

in the bathroom-alison, liz, jared (my favorite neighbor), J, jacob, becca & bethany

more pictures here.