Friday, December 14, 2007

nothing to study

its a little hard for me to believe that i am done with classes. all semester, there was always something to be studying. whenever i would do something fun, there was the little voice in the back of my head, reminding me of what would need to be worked on when i was done or what nursing concept i should be learning right now. i feel like i should be doing something, but it is so freeing to know that there is no new information that needs to be memorized or concept that needs to make its way into my head. no tests or exams for a month! yippee!
last night jodi and i helped deliver gifts to the family that the nursing program adopted for christmas. it was an adventure to get a little lost with my friend, singing along with chris tomlin and enjoying the christmas lights along the way...
we also made some treats-fudge and chocolate covered marshmallows. yum!

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