Tuesday, April 3, 2007

bits and pieces

i had an amazing day of clinicals. i feel too tired to articulate it all right now...
bits and pieces of my day:
-getting up before 5 am
-following a med. aid who didn't even come up to my shoulder
-getting to learn from this humble, patient woman
-appreciating even seemingly simple tasks like giving medication
-getting called "pretty" by a resident
-taking lots of vital signs
-feeling light-headed when watching wound care
-sitting on the floor and watching with great interest for about 45 minutes of wound care
-learning so much more in person than i ever could with a video
-laughing on the drive home with holly, kyle and erica
-seeing friends for the first time since spring break
-taking a lifespan human development quiz
-figuring out easter plans
-finishing my exegesis paper
-being amazed at God's pleasure in redeeming us
-taking brownies to my friends with birthdays this week
-writing an e-mail to my residents and praying for them by name
-talking to mommy and daddy on the phone
-going to a meeting and learning about the check-out process
-hugging friends
-feeling peace from God in spite of the overwhelming amount of work to get done before april 30

today was a good day. it was busy, tiring and full of learning. yet, i was happy. i liked this c. s. lewis quote, and felt good knowing my happiness and peace could not be felt apart from God.

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself, because it is not there. there is no such thing." -c. s. lewis

one more quote which offered me comfort as i thought about the blessings of this year and my sadness to see their end in sight:

"when we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place." -c. s. lewis

praise God from whom all blessings flow
praise him all creatures here below
praise him above ye heavenly hosts
praise father, son and holy ghost

1 comment:

Jan said...

You find the greatest quotes!!! Keep posting them. We can learn from greatness.