Monday, October 1, 2007


clinicals tomorrow-yikes. i have a real patient with lots of pain d/t a car crash. i'm really nervous-strongly agree. i'm also resigned to the fact that d/t staff meetings and looking up drug information and getting ready for clinicals, i won't get much sleep monday nights.

on a brighter note, staff meeting was tonight. we introduced our co-ra to the group highlighting their strengths. it was nice to have kyle praise me. =) and sarah was our hostess for the evening and she made baked apples for lacey and i. it makes my heart happy when people make gluten-free treats especially for me-especially when they are as delicious as tonight's treats. and i saw lisa on the walk home. we were equally thrilled to meet each other on the sidewalk.

tomorrow will be okay. not only do i have friends going into the unknown with me, but i have people rooting for me.
God, give me strength and calm my rapidly beating heart.

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