today as i read in john about the triumphal entry and mary's anointing of jesus, i was struck with jesus' humanity and divinity. how must it have felt to know as he did what was to come? to hear his friends assure him of their allegiance, knowing full well that they would betray hear his praises from the same crowd that would shout for his death only days see his disciples worry about things that wouldn't matter the next day, when he was going to change eternity with his death that friday...
i was also reminded of my own fickle nature. how easily i am swayed away from christ. how easily i offer my promises and good intentions. i thought today of how much it must hurt the heart of God to hear me pledge my allegiance and commitment to him, only to betray him days later. while my betrayal is never as visible as peter's denial of jesus or judas' kiss, i felt the depth of my sin today.
yet, i also felt the depth of christ's love. that he would willingly die for sinners, disappointing, betraying people filled my heart with wonder today.
amazing love. how can it be? that you, my king would die for me?
amazing love. i know it's true. its my joy to honor you. in all i do, i honor you.
i'm forgiven because you were forsaken.
i'm accepted. you were condemned.
i'm alive and well. your spirit is within me, because you died and rose again.
jesus, you are my king. jesus, you are my king.
1 comment:
Very well said. I love you!
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