Tuesday, June 19, 2007

plaster and large red top tubes

sometimes i have expectations for how things are going to be-

on sunday i taught sunday school with mommy. prior to getting there, we were informed that we would be making plaster hand-prints with the kids for father's day. when i found this out, i was less than thrilled. i dislike crafts that are not simple and do not fit with the story. unfortunately my fears were not unfounded. the plaster turned out to be rather a disaster, but fortunately mommy was there to help. she took over the plaster, which ended up using up most of the class period, while i taught the children about joshua. and i would like to point out that they were much more excited about the pieces of paper we rolled into trumpets than the plaster. =) simple but fun.

on monday i went to get tested for allergies. as i held the letter in my hand on the way to the lab, i was filled with anxiety over the words, "please fill one large red top tube...and spin it." yikes. after a small prick, a vial of my blood and a sore arm later, i realized that my fears were somewhat unfounded. i thought the worst was over.
then today, i learned that it was all for naught. the tube of blood was not spun enough and will have to be re-done. yuck.

expectations. sometimes i'm right and sometimes i'm wrong. sometimes i like the satisfaction of being right, but would prefer being proven wrong. and sometimes i hope that i am incorrect...

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