Sunday, July 22, 2007

happy thoughts indeed

today was a blessing-seeing friends, enjoying fellowship and thinking of shared memories. it was bittersweet though as i realized the precious gift of these days at home, as they are coming to an end. because of our trip to california, this was my last sunday of the summer at my dear home church. but God blessed me in so many ways on this rainy i will compose a list of some of these treasures:

1) listening to pastor gary preach
2) singing "how can i keep from singing?"-God continues to use this song in my life
3) leading worship with mommy
4) singing a duet with mommy
5) hugging
6) driving to olive garden to meet amanda while listening to the prince of egypt soundtrack
7) hugging
8) looking at scrapbooks and laughing
9) polaroid cameras
10) going to the red apple with lucia
11) watching anne of green gables together
12) driving lucia home and talking
13) looking at staff pictures before bed

"kindred spirits are
not so rare
as i once
thought, diana."
-anne of green gables

1 comment:

Jan said...

I thought yesterday was a good day as well, especially leading worship with you. It was very fun and a big blessing to sing "Shadowfeet" with my very own daughter!!!! How special is that!!
I really like the youtube of Chris Tomlin singing "How Can I Keep from Singing". I really like his voice and his attitude. I was especially impressed that he can sing with his eyes closed and not need to look at the words. Of course, he did write it, but he is good.