language-within it is found the power to defame, encourage, destroy or renew.
a few flippant phrases.
a few "choice" words.
a few interjections.
i recently read an article which confirmed my commitment to keeping my mouth free of "oh my g--" or even the "milder" version of "gosh." instead of merely being crass or crude, i am dishonoring the one i have given my life to. while many, even christians say this so casually, i believe there is a real reason why i cringe when i hear my God or savior's name being abused.
i hope this doesn't sound overly harsh or self-righteous or to give the idea that i think anyone who has ever said these things is a horrid wretch. hmmm...ignorant wretch, perhaps, but not horrid.
but i don't want to be mistaken-i do think this is far more serious than it is often treated. God is worthy of our respect and adoration, yet he puts up with our miserable sniveling and casual abuse of his holy name. sometimes i wonder that he doesn't strike us all with lightning and be done with us pathetic creatures! and then i praise him for his mercy on me, so undeserving of all he has done, most of which i can't even begin to comprehend.
so, back to words-just a few things to ponder, from the source...
"no using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter; God won't put up with the irreverent use of his name."
-exodus 20:9, the message
"let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
-colossians 4:6, new international version
"watch the way you talk. let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. say only what helps, each word a gift."
-ephesians 4:29, the message
Sunday, July 1, 2007
thoughts about swearing, cursing and other vulgarities
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a couple of years ago i wrote a post on a similar topic. i think this also would tie into your thoughts and comments on my "controversial" dobson post.
just so it's clear: i do strive for righteousness.
because i'm "arguing a point" doess't mean i am choosing to throw out conviction of sin or the call for GOD's people to be set-apart. i'm just questioning what or how we are to be "set apart"...
i also don't want to spend my time focusing on man or society's perceived interpretation of scripture when we've all got bigger fish to fry!
if you're interested, you can read more here.
[i just re-read it and found many grammatical errors, so please bear with that... i don't have the where-with-all right now to go fix them!]
I TOTALLY agree with you Alison.
justin, I have come to the conclusion we must be wacko's cause I completely get what you are saying and agree with your point, yet Shalisa just got in a large argument with me over this very subject.
I rarely use profanity (I won't lie and say I don't) but more often than not the situations where I use profanity it wouldn't matter so much the words I use as much as my hearts intent when I use those word.
Often I use words in anger with the intent to tear someone down, whether I use foul language to do it or whether I tear them down but avoiding the "four letter words" doesn't matter one bit to God.
What God cares about is the intent behind my words. I know many Christians are offended by the use of swear words or by saying GD or the like, so out of respect for them I won't use it around them, but to myself the words used in conversation matter little to me (and I believe to God) but instead the meaning and intent behind them is what God looks at.
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