Sunday, August 5, 2007


just a few thoughts on furry felines-

i've discovered that not all cats love me. i finally got shadow to let me pet him today after of being in california a week. i perservered in order to get past the hissing and now the day before we leave, he is beginning to like me.
yesterday we ate dinner at uncle mark and aunt stephanie's house. after being rejected by shadow, i made an extra effort with smudge. i used the kitty voice. i moved slowly. i let him smell my hand. i didn't try any potentially irritating petting. and he atempted to bite me. uncle brian was convinced that i was wearing some deodorant that would indicate my sub-conscious desire to be hated by cats.

i'm ready to see my kitties again, even if it is for just a few days before i go back to school. i know they purr quite readily and they love me.

john and i have been laughing all day about a video we started about problems cats/cat owners can have. our favorite was the segment that i did describing my cat who wouldn't eat...despite its stuffed animal appearance.
"its a wonder she's even ALIVE."

and lastly, i liked this quote, even if it isn't about cats much.

you see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. you pull his tail in new york and his head is meowing in los angeles. do you understand this? and radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. the only difference is that there is no cat.
- albert einstein

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