Tuesday, November 20, 2007

be kind

the day for giving thanks is almost upon us. as we prepare for the day to be with ones we hold dear, those with whom we share blood and those who have become our family, it is easy to say the words without the actions to match.
i am thankful, but i want my actions to speak that truth as well.
today as i took the train home, i sat next to a woman who had been denied the opportunity to pursue the career of her choice. her domineering mother had prevented her from doing what she wanted to go to school to do. she encouraged me to keep at it. even though nursing school is harder than i ever imagined, i am thankful that i am able to study what i have chosen. i have the support of my family. i have dear friends to struggle along beside me.
i am thankful for my family. i don't want to give into the temptation of forgetting kindness during the holidays.
help me jesus to-
keep quiet.
speak up.
say 'i love you.'
give hugs.
offer to help.
showing kindness is how we show we are thankful. uttering words is good, but we need the sincerity of actions toward those we claim to love too.

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