Wednesday, November 14, 2007

kissy kissy

i don't usually watch kissing in movies. i just happen to think its an intimate act and i do not think it is necessary for me to see that. my room-mates take great pleasure in teasing me about this-but only in fun, of course. most people probably don't know that about me. i try to be discreet in my aversion of the eyes. =)

a few articles i've read over recently addressed the topic of kissing:
-i regret kissing my wife
-i prefer someone else's kisses
-he's a bad kisser

i think my thought on kissing is perfectly expressed in this quote:
"Song of Solomon also says, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" — and not just once, but three times (2:7, 3:5, 8:4). It's a warning. The unspoken reason being that once love is aroused, the lover and beloved will want to have not just kisses, but each other. Completely." -Candice Watters

don't get me wrong-i'm very much anticipating kisses, just when the love is supposed to be awakened-not now.

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