Monday, April 30, 2007

life means so much.

i'm heading out. after a crazy week of finals and check-outs, feeling like i barely have time to breath, much less enjoy my last moments of the semester, i'm flying over the ocean to a sunny paradise my friends call home.

as i think about the days ahead, i am excited. i get to go to hawaii.

then i hear things like "friends" by michael w. smith on the radio. the song is a bit sappy, but today it made me cry because of how much i love the friends God gave me this year.

help me enjoy these moments, jesus. i want to appropriately grieve the end of the precious time you've given me, but not ruin the gift of the next 9 days with my room-mates. it feels right to be sad, but i don't want to linger more than i should. teach me to count the days. teach me to make the days count. thank you that life means so much.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I love that Chris Rice song! I think you did well doing that!