Wednesday, September 12, 2007


as i was thinking about my day, i realized all of the happiest parts of it involved my friends-

-going to chapel with ian and jenny, and being joined by megan and jodi
-standing next to shanna as we watched the local fire department burn a model dorm room
-hugging danielle
-walking with t.j. and showing him my apt.
-talking with bryan and kyle on their way home
-having melodi save me a seat in pharmacology
-chatting with amanda all the way in alaska while sitting in the sunny quad
-seeing martha and devan
-commiserating with colleen about homework
-talking with my daddy (yes, i do consider him my friend)
-eating dinner with my room-mates and kyle
-doing nursing homework with jodi
-visiting with ashley and kevin
-watching house with lacey (maybe this should be changed to cringing at the same needle parts with lacey)

thanks for the blessing of these people in my life.

"give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. his love endures forever.
give thanks to the God of gods. his love endures forever.
give thanks to the lord of lords; his love endures forever."
-psalm 136:1-3

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