Saturday, March 8, 2008

eternal perspective

after two thursdays of missing the chance to meet with taylor, i finally got to visit this sweet fifth grader this week, at last. when i was first paired with her, i wondered if God knew what he was doing. but now, two and a half years later, i can see God at work in the situation.

my heart swells as her face lights up when she sees me. 
she eagerly tells me about the triumphs and trials of being in fifth grade. 
she beats me at candyland. 
i beat her at connect four. 

sometimes i get discouraged as i hear the hurt and pain behind her words, but i know God has put us in each other's lives for a reason. in bible study this week, we looked at
the story of stephen. something that really impressed me was stephen's inability to see his impact. yet, he was obedient and was given an eternal perspective in the last moments of his life which allowed him to pray for his persecutors.
i really feel like i can't see my impact, but i hope that my obedience in this little girl's life will draw her closer to Jesus.
give me your perspective, Jesus.

our christmas picture-

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