Thursday, March 20, 2008

savoring today

my fears are scattering.
God is giving me strength.
i am showered with blessing.

i visited taylor today and saw her face light up.
we ate suckers.
i got beat at sorry and connect-four.

i met with four beautiful people today for more one-on-ones:
i ate breakfast with linsey.
i had a lovely conversation with ben.
i laughed over a milkshake with brent and his buddies.
i went on an adventure to find a travel mug with jacob.

what a wonder it is to have one of the desires of my heart given to me.
i am filled with dreams for next year.
new staff.
new room-mate.

yet, it is bittersweet.
the days seem to go by so quickly.
i'm going to miss living with my room-mates.
i'm trying to savor the days i have with my staff now.
the thought of only three more staff meetings breaks my heart a little.

but i praise God for the gift of these dear ones in my life.
i am so blessed.
past. present. future.

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