Tuesday, March 11, 2008

oh, nursing

today i had my 2nd pediatric patient-a sweet two-week-old baby girl. and i had a 69-year-old man who reminded me of poppop. they both demanded alot of my time, but it made for a busy and good day. i didn't count the hours, because i was kept occupied. i had a baby smile at me (or at least in my direction.) i got to hold a baby. i got to joke and tease me other patient. and best of all, i get to take care of them both tomorrow.

when i got home from clinicals, i had an e-mail waiting for me. it told me that i'm having my preceptorship in the fall, which wasn't my preference, but it should work out just fine...
but i get to have my preceptorship as my first choice: pediatrics! 
today made me really hopeful that i would get to work with children for more than just a day. 

and now, i know that i do! =)


Tammy B said...


Do you have any idea which practice/doctor you will be working with?

alicat said...

i have pretty limited information at this point. i don't know where or who i'll be working with...all i know at this point is peds! =)