Thursday, February 28, 2008

abbreviation of the week, vol. 1

in the nursing world, abbreviations are frequently used. while this can be time-saving when one knows what the abbreviations stand for, it can be frustrating when one (such as myself) forgets or was never introduced an abbreviation.
for example, when i first saw "oob" the word "goober" instantly came to my mind. it caused several weeks of confusion whenever i would see it, until i discovered it stood for "out of bed."
and then it was brought to my attention that in my excitement of becoming an AAC, i might have caused similar confusion in those not familiar with these abbreviations.

AAC: assistant to the area coordinator
essentially an AAC helps the AC (area coordinator) and gets to act as a RA (resident assistant) to the RAs on her staff.
here is my complete job description if you are interested.

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