Tuesday, February 26, 2008

welcome back

after seven weeks of early mornings, crazy talk and playing dice games, it was goodbye to mental health and hello to six weeks (yay for spring break!) of early mornings, drug cards, assessments, IVs and documentation.

my first job of the day was to give a rectal suppository.
welcome back to med-surg.

despite feeling relatively unintelligent after time away from the hospital, i had an interesting day.
my nurse was lovely. she explained things and encouraged me, even when i didn't know things that i felt like i probably should have known. i also got to watch my second cardiac catheterization and later, a bronchoscopy.
but now i'm tired. and i have homework and another long day ahead of me tomorrow.

things i'm excited about, in spite of long days:
-my bed
-helping people, specifically patients
-staff meeting tomorrow night (and staff retreat this weekend!)
-the delivery of "mysterious brown bags" by a "sneaky snackerson" =)
-bible study (i'm leading tomorrow night and God has given me some pretty clear direction on what to study-how to make psalm 19:14 become true in my life: matthew 12:34, isaiah 29: 13, colossians 4:6, philippians 2:14-15, psalm 145, ecclesiastes 5:2, if anyone is interested...)
-spring break being only 23 days away: i can hardly wait to see my family
-and the thought of being martha's AAC next year

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