Saturday, February 2, 2008

princess candidate

last night i got an e-mail that i've been nominated as one of three candidates for junior class princess.

i was with lacey when i found out, and i'm not so sure i would have been quite so excited if i wasn't with her. =) apparently, she, along with who-knows-ever-else, nominated me.

voting is monday and tuesday, and the coronation is saturday night, at the homecoming basketball game.

to be honest, i was more than a little surprised, but quite pleased. i haven't felt like i've been involved as much on campus this year, especially when i'm off campus several days out of the week...

it remains to be determined if i will be the princess, but its nice to be picked.

1 comment:

Mandipants said...

DUDE! SO AWESOME! I'm pretty sure we used that crown for homecoming when I was on student council in high school =) GOOD LUCK!